Purchase an Exclusive Member-prised B&I Banner Ad

Dear Valued Members,
To promote the Malaysian moulding and joinery sector in Malaysia and abroad, MWMJC is embarking on an exciting media partnership programme with Building & Investment (B&I), the leading building e-magazine in Malaysia with a massive circulation of 50,000 readers.
Starting from the 1st June issue for 6 consecutive bi-monthly issues, MWMJC will be presenting special features in B&I on industry-specific topics such as current trends and innovation in the woodworking industry, ESG and sustainability, IR4.0 technologies and more.
Seize this great opportunity to leverage B&I’s wide reach and target the right audience to promote your brand and products by taking up a banner ad on MWMJC’s pages.
Purchase an exclusive member-priced banner ad (size: 1000(W) x 300 (H) pixel) at RM1,500 instead of the normal price of RM1,900, and enjoy a whopping 21 % discount!
For more information on advertising with MWMJC in the B&I e-magazine, please contact Apple at 018-219 5168.
Thank you.
为了在马来西亚和国外推广马来西亚的模具和细木工行业,MWMJC 正在与拥有 50,000 名读者的马来西亚领先的建筑电子杂志《建筑与投资》(B&I) 开展令人兴奋的媒体合作计划。
从 6 月 1 日开始连续 6 期双月刊,MWMJC 将在 B&I 中展示关于行业特定主题的特色,例如木工行业的当前趋势和创新、ESG 和可持续性、IR4.0 技术等。
抓住这个绝佳机会,利用 B&I 的广泛影响力,并通过在 MWMJC 页面上投放横幅广告,瞄准合适的受众来宣传您的品牌和产品。
以 RM1,500 (原价 RM1,900) 购买独家会员价横幅广告(尺寸:1000(W)x 300(H)像素),并享受高达 21% 的折扣!
有关在 B&I 电子杂志上使用 MWMJC 投放广告的更多信息,请致电 018-219 5168 联系 Apple。
To promote the Malaysian moulding and joinery sector in Malaysia and abroad, MWMJC is embarking on an exciting media partnership programme with Building & Investment (B&I), the leading building e-magazine in Malaysia with a massive circulation of 50,000 readers.
Starting from the 1st June issue for 6 consecutive bi-monthly issues, MWMJC will be presenting special features in B&I on industry-specific topics such as current trends and innovation in the woodworking industry, ESG and sustainability, IR4.0 technologies and more.
Seize this great opportunity to leverage B&I’s wide reach and target the right audience to promote your brand and products by taking up a banner ad on MWMJC’s pages.
Purchase an exclusive member-priced banner ad (size: 1000(W) x 300 (H) pixel) at RM1,500 instead of the normal price of RM1,900, and enjoy a whopping 21 % discount!
For more information on advertising with MWMJC in the B&I e-magazine, please contact Apple at 018-219 5168.
Thank you.
为了在马来西亚和国外推广马来西亚的模具和细木工行业,MWMJC 正在与拥有 50,000 名读者的马来西亚领先的建筑电子杂志《建筑与投资》(B&I) 开展令人兴奋的媒体合作计划。
从 6 月 1 日开始连续 6 期双月刊,MWMJC 将在 B&I 中展示关于行业特定主题的特色,例如木工行业的当前趋势和创新、ESG 和可持续性、IR4.0 技术等。
抓住这个绝佳机会,利用 B&I 的广泛影响力,并通过在 MWMJC 页面上投放横幅广告,瞄准合适的受众来宣传您的品牌和产品。
以 RM1,500 (原价 RM1,900) 购买独家会员价横幅广告(尺寸:1000(W)x 300(H)像素),并享受高达 21% 的折扣!
有关在 B&I 电子杂志上使用 MWMJC 投放广告的更多信息,请致电 018-219 5168 联系 Apple。
May 02,2023